As reported by the Australian media, Janelle Kidman's 70th birthday was yesterday with the accompanying party hinted at previously by daughter Nicole and son-in-law Keith. Pics are just starting to come in. Hopefully there will be larger ones later, but what we have so far is very very nice. In the current shots available are the birthday girl Janelle, Keith and Nicole, and Bob and Marienne Urban, Keith's parents. The celebration took place at the Ottoman Cuisine restaurant in Sydney. Hope you had a wonderful night Janelle!
March 13, 2010
Happy Birthday To Nicole Kidman's Mum!
1:10 PM
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The Urban Clan will pay for days for these pictures.
IMAHICK will loose any credibility she NEVER had.
NOMOREFAN will swear it isn't them.
Mimsy will pretend it neve happened.
Tara will say they are photo shoped.
I bet the were all together out at the Sutton Hills Estate too.
Great vacation for all!
What else can we add....
Bob isn't smiling enough.
That's not Marienne since we can't see her face.
Keith and Nicole are treating them like second class citizens because they came in behind them.
Nicole's dress isn't appropriate.
Keith is Tomified.
Sunday isn't there so the Urbans are bad parents.
Nicole made sure there was plenty of alcohol in front of Keith.
Nicole paid off Bob and Marienne to show up, as part of her new image makeover.
Nicole paid the paps to take photos.
It's not really Janelle's birthday and the whole event is staged.
The Urbans only came are a favor to Janelle, they actually hate Keith and Nicole.
Lainey will have the BIG SCOOP days late and swear her close source told her.
Wasn't it the nutty NMF was delighted in saying Nic and Keith missed Janelle's birthday, by going a day late?
She really should keep her mouth shut.
Naw, they will be so happy to see the family clan all together they will praise Nicole and Keith!
Yes it was nomorefan who said that. She had no idea what day Janelle's birthday was.
She has no idea when she says anything. Thats a fact jack!
Well hello Bob and Marianne Urban who hate Nicole and are never invited to anything and never see Sunday Rose! Are you there to check on the contract and pretend the marriage is real so Keith can cheat with permission on Nicole? Did you consult an astrology chart or did Nicole pay you to come? Has Keith been gay all his life or just when he put his boots on?
Somebody needs to post this on E.
Oh don't worry Anon 9:09 they have all been here and seen SM's pictures!
Don't post them, let them do their own, looking for them.
They will just pick apart the beautiful family any having a great time together any way!!
Do you mean to tell me crazy middlesea MISSED THE FAMILY VACATION?
How can that be? The vigo is in its 10th moon , centered by pluto passing by a moonbeam!!!
nomorefan isn't concerned with the Urbans being there...of course she isn't...she cares about Nicole's other two children. Hilarious! She'd be the first one to make up a story that the in-laws hate Nicole and the Kidmans.
The good CHRISTIAN women are going at it hot and heavy on E this morning.
You know the ones who peach everyday of their High and mighty values!
also Verity they know who NMF is in real life too!
Shopgirl525 Mar 14, 2010
10:21 AM 116 minutes 17 min 0 posts
Who do you suppose this is?
Sitting on line all day every day
astilbe gave herself away today as neverland47! The guitar wristband comments. She thought she could venture back onto the KUNK threads after keeping herself occupied on the Jimmy Wayne thread. BAHAHAHAHA!
alot of real people know Michele to!
They read the crap she posts and know its her
Anonymous said...
alot of real people know Michele to!
They read the crap she posts and know its her
You're exactly right anon @ 11:45 & 2:59.
I'm one of those people.
Michele definitely gave herself away with having to comment on the wristband/sweatband NON-argument! Who gives a rat's a$$ what you call them, we all know what they are & why you wear them.
She thinks her musical background as a groupie & wanna-be musician's wife gives her expert knowledge none of the rest of us will have. The plan to move to Nashville must not have panned out, and life at home must have gotten really boring again for her to take up the KUNK hater flag once again!
Oh boy, haters having a nervous breakdown just seeing pictures of the happy family having a wonderful time & enjoying each others company.
For that , they get a bash THE PARENTS.
No More Fan thinks she is witty. She is vulgar and everyone knows it. Take a close look at her drunken photos.
KM I wouldn't let NMF get away with posting my real name on the board . REPORT HER!
Rules apply to everyone.
I contacted Jimmy Wayne through his myspace last year and sent him the picture of him and Michele and some of her posts on e about Keith. I don't know if Jimmy does his own myspace or if hes got helpers but they wrote me back then and thanked me and said it was sad fans think they know somebody personally. "Astilbe" disappeared but I just sent him "neverland47" username so he knows she's still out there being a sick hater. Run Jimmy Run!
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