nomorefan: Hmm, so karma really does work . . . what goes around comes around!

neverland47/astilbe: Spread them. LOL.
NKU members spread them. But I am not a member of NKU.
Keeping up the pretense astilbe? The jig is up!
Readers, now that neverland/astilbe is back in the fold there will be an upcoming tribute. One she deserves just like her bestie nomorefan! Stay tuned!
Word to the skeptics, Urban Myths, and maclen: Why are Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman fans even in the equation? Unless you're so desperate for material that's all there's left to attack. BAHAHAHAHA!
Hummmmmm just looked at E!. seems Tara is the one trying to keep on keeping!
Now think about that.
What does that mean?
Lets just watch and see if it is TARALEA still the biggest hater of all!
Maybe the crazy one with so many name?
Time will tell.
If new screen names show up, they should be wise enough by now to know the IP addys ARE BEING CHECKED!
I hope they like talking to each other , saying the same things they have said for 5 years.
That will be fun! No one but the haters read it . I guess they are used to it though becasue the crazies still keep doing it.
Thats a sure test of craziness! Right MimsyBimbo ?
Why would anyone read what they say, when they have said it for 5 years and everyone knows it!
The very same thing for five years!
I'll be so looking forward to the new neverland/astilbe tribute.
If there was ever someone who thought they could call the shots, and everyone would fall into place, it was her.
Look up righteous in the dictionary & you'll see her photo!
The Christian right?
The Christian. Riiiiigght. Michele took over Bstnactrs hate board when Bstnactrs started another one. Michele is head hater and thinks she's smart. She's a member of NKU and is Amanda's friend on myspace. She steals pictures from both places and shares them with Sue. Sue then steals them and puts them on other boards that Michele isn't on. Sue has to keep ToniAnn away from Michele because Michele doesn't like ToniAnn. She thinks ToniAnn is too much of a bunny and Michele is a true hater. Michele looooves Jimmy Wayne but Jimmy's seen her picture and posts and will stay clear of the middle aged woman who's bored with her life.
Same names - Different year
All of them started the hate on Mates and 5 years later, they're still hating.
According to our skeptic spy, they wanted the KUNK thread closed. The reasoning is they don't have to be challenged. They can spew lies and no one can touch them. That would be funny except for the fact that all they would have had to do is not post on it at all. Stuuupid.
The will get bored and more pointless. They don't need the Fresh KUNK thread to attack fans.
Anonymous said...
According to our skeptic spy, they wanted the KUNK thread closed.
Bhaaaha! And I've got a bridge to sell you.
THEY WaNT TO FIGHT. NOW THEIR SPIN IS they wnted it closed. HA HA
It doesn't matter what they say, the more threads the better as far as they are concerned. The more hate they can spew, the better they like it.
The positive thread is way more fun! It actually has news on it. Even though every has their own opinions, it is still fun to read the latest news.
They don't care about that. They would love no new news, that way their lies don't catch up with them.
Remember at one time there was 4, 5, 6, KUNK threads going. They got P-I-S-S-E-D when there were limits put on them by the MOD. Nomorefan whined about it. They think the more of their bullshit the better which is ironic because that very thing is what's sunk their ship on E! They have no credibility.
Right on time, a comment from a skeptic just came in. See they are bored! BAHAHAHAHA!
H ha. If they are bored, maybe they can all go to Houston and see Kieth entertain the crowd!
The redeo will be fun and they all love Keith!
Oh thats right, they don't have a clue how to have fun!
SM, did they like their pictues ? Were they writing to thank you?
I can just hear the STOMP,STOMP,STOMP , slam door, slink off into the Mn. trees.
Would that be from IMAHICKIE , whining how misunderstood she is? AGAIN?
Whoever it is, it's the same skeptic that responds just as expected. Someone smarter would change their opening line. It's "Good God!" or "Good Gawd!" every time.
Ha, yea they talk alot about God & going to church!
Same names - Different year
What are their recent times user names?
I'm wondering who that "Deb" is in the list, I don't think I have ever heard of her and what her username is on the different boards.
Funny all of a sudden , they don't want to talk with each other.
Silent. LOL LOL
Are you sure you're not jumping the gun Anon?
About the banning SM? It's true!
Are we talking permanently here? I thought it'd be a cold day in hell before E! wised up and got rid of her!
That's wishful thinking but it's only for a week.
Small victories. Even a temp ban for her has been long overdue.
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