May 20, 2009

Despite The Naysayers....

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....Skewermistress Out!


Anonymous said...

Out ?

SkewerMistress said...

As an afterthought I felt maybe posting that would confuse some readers. But then no one commented so I thought the intent was clear. It's just a take-off on the popular phrase Ryan Seacrest used to say at the end of American Idol, "Seacrest Out". No worries, this blog is still in business.

Anonymous said...


Everyone was worried.

WhatAWaste said...

Poor nomorefan, she's trying to find another lie that doesn't exist. It's her only way to combat the positive press of Keith's American Idol appearance.


Posts: 10,931
Registered: 6/23/06
Posted: May 22, 2009 11:09 AM in response to: Yuki-onna Reply

Well, the KUNK lies continue for the sake of image, and Mr. Nicole Kidman isn't too good at it. There is video of him from the red carpet of American Idol (keep this in the back of your mind while you continue to read . . . AI was broadcast live from California [Pacific time] - the show began at 5:00 PM and was over two hours later). When asked if Skank was going to be at the show, he said something like she's putting the baby to sleep and will be at the show later. You do the math!

You do the math moron, just because he said she was putting the baby to sleep, doesn't mean it was happening RIGHT THAT MINUTE! Get a frickin' clue!

Not everything that Keith or Nicole say is a lie, just because that's all that YOU are used to. Keep looking for something new to fit your rant nomore, because all your old schtick has come & gone!

SkewerMistress said...

WhatAWaste, as the haters like to say...nail on head. nomorefan is probably miffed that Nicole was not seen in the audience as she incorrectly predicted previously. She was so sure of herself because Katie Holmes attended. As well, Keith did not say she would be out in the audience or when she would be by. The word "later" isn't enough to call anyone a liar. Who can "do the math" when they've got only one number? Is this the NEW new math? But thats what happens when you are desperate to find fault.

Have you noticed the haters are just plain ignoring all the positivity as of late? They can't handle it. That video clip nomorefan referenced has been posted since Wednesday (made availabe on the E! positive thread as well) and all the while the haters were debating if Nicole was even in LA or not! Now they bring attention to it when Keith is getting exposure and increased record sales. American Idol viewers liked what they saw and the haters don't like it one bit.

Oh and nomorefan, enjoy the George Stait tribute. Nicole was in the audience and is being shown in the commercials on CBS.

THANK_YOU said...

"American Idol viewers liked what they saw and the haters don't like it one bit."

SkewerMistress, this is another "nail on head" statement! I bet it's a sad, sad week in Negative-ville!

SkewerMistress said...

That's what Keith's #1 spot on the iTunes country singles chart will get you. And #2 on Amazon, and #14 in the pop category. A sad week indeed for the skeptics.

WhatAWaste said...

And the sadness just continues...(head down snickering!)

Over THREE hours for nomorefan to get a reply from one of her hater friends!


Posts: 1,260
Registered: 3/24/08
Posted: May 22, 2009 2:36 PM in response to: nomorefan Reply

well first we know it's bull because, where is the nanny she uses so frequently, whenever it's something she WANTS to do? (You know like Starbucks, roller derby, or Rock bar hopping)?

Anonymous said...

"nomorefan is probably miffed that Nicole was not seen in the audience as she incorrectly predicted previously. She was so sure of herself because Katie Holmes attended."

Oh my I am ROTFLMAO! That is really really funny! What a stupid Dork. Math Mish Mash! ha
Do you think she had one of her "its a fact Jack" moments again?

They need to take off their black doom and gloom glasses. Hate will
runin you pitiful life.

Oh heck, I got my laugh of the day anyhow!

Anonymous said...

Ha, apparently they don't know where to look for facts. lol

Keith's #1 spot on the iTunes country singles chart will get you.

I hate to be having so many aughs at their pitiful turning around the facts, but dang it makes them look so dumb trying to sound like they actually know something!
I guess UM passed them wrong info to post! LOL

Great press for Keith and Nic.
Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy the haters are "overboard" trying to come up with NASTY posts, all because


So very funny.

Oh yea here is mimo's latest confession !


Posts: 6,810
Registered: 3/14/07
Posted: May 22, 2009 6:52 PM in response to: Yuki-onna

). A man, in other words, who is an MIMOSA'S walking wet dream.

Are you sure this wasn't listed under the definition for "Keith Lionel Urbahn? It fits him to a "T".....

She has such a way with words. Well one of her usernames does anyway! Who would write such vulgar things on a public message board?
Vulgar is as vulgas does I guess!

SkewerMistress said...

Mimosa is getting her comeuppance today from the Urban Myths Revealed blog. Makes my writing about her almost kind. BAHAHAHAHA!

THANK_YOU said...

"Vulgar is as vulgar does I guess!"

You got that right anon!

I guess when there are only your same old 4 year-old comments to post, and you've resorted to crawling in the gutter with the snakes, you end up speaking like them too.

If it wasn't so pathetic, I'd laugh! H e L L, I'll laugh anyway...BAHAHAHAHAHA!

THANK_YOU said...

Just read UMR, SkewerMistress. All I can say is, it seems that Mimosa has made quite an impression on a few people, but it's not the kind you'd write home about, is it?

What's that Forrest? Oh yeah...

"Stupid is as stupid does."

countrycat said...

Is this a safe place for me to scream Skewermistress?

OMG these women infuriate me to no end. How can they believe the crap they post day after day. Its two-faced, nonsensical, contradictory trash post after post after post.


Anonymous said...

Ignore them.
That would really kill them. Then each of the 5 would just have to talk to themselves days on end. More than they do now.
Nobody reads it much anyhow.

They love it when you give "every fake screen name" something to throw their (same) 2 cents into.

Post here to correct their lies and on the poss. thread. Ha! they read it hourly.

The 5 people would have to sit online day and night to keep their threads alive & even they don't like each other !! So that wouldn't be much fun.

WhatAWaste said...

"Ignore them."

Yeah, that really does get under their skin, especially nomore, the expert! She thinks she is the be-all, end-all of everything! God I'd hate to work with a bitch like that!

Anonymous said...

Well one good thing I see.
The sweet baby girl of Keith & Nic's hate thread is almost surely doomed.

Too many posts and pages to go on much longer. They cut their own throats on that part. lol

Post away your hate fantasies.

Mod2 is sure to close it shortly.
too much hate even for the E! board of fools.

They do it all the time and then are mad when it gets locked. thousand posts a day by 5 or 6 people = Locked and forgotten in our site NOW. YEA!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Mimosa is getting her comeuppance today from the Urban Myths Revealed blog."

Mimzy is taking her award to heart.
She is blasting everyone and everything in site.


SAD SHE ONLY MAKES HERSELF SOUND STUPID, SAYING STUFF THAT IS JUST nuts. Protesting crap that means nothing to anyone. Gotta be Right even if I look stupid , Ok . LOL LOL

relevent. What a goof ball!

Guess she can't quit digging her looney hole deeper.

And the really funny part is NMF is shoveling right beside her!

Anonymous said...

There is a God. ! The all time LOW! I am laughing big time now.!


Username: DizzyIris
Registered: 8/3/07
Total Posts: 15

adding to our names to LOL at.!

And it seems to be an expert on KU tours.!

OMG how low will they sink .
Dizzy Iris! OMG! lol
Do they really think people are as stupid as they are?

SkewerMistress said...

No doubt Anon, another one of their many user names. I specifically recall a frequent poster who said many months ago they were a fan of the band the Goo Goo Dolls. And no doubt DizzyIris is taken from them. As to which frequent poster, my memory is lacking.

It is unfortunate for the haters that I am a fan of the band too. I had "Dizzy Up The Girl" on heavy rotation when it came out. A great album.

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