August 26, 2009

Your Morning Announcements

First order of business...skeptics' posts. After much consideration and the intelligent feedback given, the new comment policy will be this: As of today, no skeptic/hater comments sent to us will be posted or commented on here at the blog. That also includes any skeptic communication sent to our email address. We've had a couple of poor attempts by skeptics of emailing this blog posing as fans, with less than truthful words. We believe it was to glean information from any response we provided them, so as to determine our identity. While this hasn't happened recently, it needed to be brought to light. I will say that I played the part and played along with their little game. But giving me false information concerning "moles" on Nicole Kidman fan-sites will do you no good skeptics. Stay put on your hate boards. At the very least the monotony of your "Get a life" posts will be eliminated. All comments will continue to be moderated. Anonymous comments will still be allowed, as not offering that option always deters some from posting.

Now to more important news...


When Keith brings his headlining Escape Together World Tour Together With KC Masterpiece© and Kingsford© to the Sommet Center in Nashville, TN this Saturday night it will give him the chance to share some exciting news with his fans. For fans that cannot attend the show on Saturday, the announcement will be streamed live on Keith's website. So make sure you come back to Keith's website around 9PM Central on Saturday night. Keith will follow up this announcement with a press conference on Monday at the Country Music Hall Of Fame And Museum. This event will also be streamed live on Keith's website. Stay tuned for more details to come!

It's pointless to speculate (you know who you are) so this blog will wait until Saturday to make any commentary.


Sweet Thing said...

Thanks for keeping your blog smelling fresh, SM!

It's pointless to speculate about the announcement but I'm sure no matter what it is, it'll be Nicole's fault in Haterville.

Sweet Thing said...

SM or anybody: Does anyone know what newspaper published a link to JB's blog? (in comment section)?

SkewerMistress said...

I see JB has allowed comments. Thumbs up Sweet Thing for mentioning this.

countrycat said...

Wow, I'm gone for a bit and things have changed for the better. Good decision SMistress. Looks like I will need to visit UMR too.

And I don't want to let the cat out of the bag but Keith's announcement will be very very very positive. Much to the disappointment of the skeptics. That's what happens when a REAL source tells a REAL fan some info :-)

red@gold said...

Thanks SM. Whereas any "comments" made by the skeptics are given NO validity in my mind - I can totally understand you not wanting to wade through garbage comments sent to you. This board is realistic, HONEST and I appreciate that immensly.

Countrycat thanks for your tidbit leak ... I can hardly wait to hear the news! If Keith giving positive news upsets the skeptics ... well that is fine by me!

Anonymous said...

Big thank you SM!

Keep this place real and honest! It is always our goal for that to be known to all who visit!

Fresh air and sunlight!

Sweet Thing said...

I won't ask you what it is, countrycat. I'll wait until MiddleMoonUnit posts another one of her voodoo astrology charts about his future and think the opposite. Bwahaha!

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