The skeptics are morons.
Mimosa, Oh " so" Leery, and nomorefan played themselves into a corner. For the past few days they've been trying to distance themselves. Urban Myths has perfected looking foolish and stupid.
Mimosa with her superior attitude and condescending tone tries to pass off herself as better than the current members of Monkeyville. They have no perspective. They are nutcases who sit in front of the computer all day voting for Keith Urban.
nomorefan is the good little angel who was ecstatic for Jon Bon Jovi when he got married because he and his wife were meant to be. The woman was good enough for Jon.
Oh " so" Leery says she had personal talks with Keith Urban where he made fun of his fans and only wants their money. She thinks she's better than the "bus runners".
Urban Myths posted pictures form the MusiCares concert. 2 of Keith smiling and 2 where he's not.
Three words for you liars....
Mimosa you were a hard-core fan just like the ones you make fun of every day. You're no better. It hurts you to see Keith Urban with a fanbase after 4 and a half years years with Nicole Kidman. You've tried your hardest to ruin him and and every day you fail. Nothing but hatred oozes out of your pores. You are a sick bitch, to put it mildly.
Anonymous said...
This is the sickest, foul , lie that idiot has ever posted.
She posted that to get the LIE OSL posted covered up.
Who does she think she is fooling? She had no clue who Keith Urban was 10 years ago!
Mimsy this is a LIE!!!
Posts: 7,353
Registered: 3/14/07
Re: Fresh KUNK thread
Posted: Jan 30, 2010 8:32 PM in response to: neimanmarcus Reply
As far as Keefus and his swimmers....the rumor of his vasectomy has been going around for years and years. I talked about it ten years ago with some Nashville friends. He was a known womanizer, and he was also known to be careless, so it is kind of strange that he fathered no children in the 25 years of drugs, sex and rock-n-roll. It's not just here that the subject has been discussed, and it's not a rumor anyone here started. It's really old news. You should know the whole story before you start accusing people of things.
nomorefan, you disgust all women. Don't even try to pretend you were happy for Jon. You said it was because you knew they had a once in a lifetime love. It all started before he was famous. We know....because nomorefan that's when you would have loved to have gotten your claws into Keith Urban. Fat chance. Females like you see a wife or girlfriend as nothing more than an obstacle. Who she is, what she does, what she looks like is irrelevant. You have a fantasy and you want to fulfill it. Nicole Kidman took that away and now your life is nothing more than posting hate on a message board. You are lying to yourself and to others about who you are. Keith Urban could have married anybody. If they were famous you were going to trash them on the internet.
Oh " so" Leery, you need psychiatric help. You don't believe the truths of the real world. You don't know basic facts. How do you respond when you are corrected? With more lies. You were a fan like the rest. You've never had a personal relationship with Keith Urban. You've changed your story and the anti-KUNK skeptic fairytale so many times, you can't keep it all straight. Are the Urbans still in danger?
Urban Myths, who do you think you're fooling? You deliberately chose two photos with Nicole Kidman where he wasn't smiling but you know there's photos where they are. Show those and your flimsy little charade falls like a house of cards. How long will it take idiot Inept Team Maclen: Party Of One to agree with you? Oh that's what you want to get the ball rolling so you all can feel better about yourselves for 5 minutes. Get a grip on reality.
January 30, 2010
Cut The Crap Skeptics and Urban Myths
at 8:16 PM
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SM I think you got there attention.
Posts: 1,545
Registered: 1/13/08
Re: Fresh KUNK thread
Posted: Jan 30, 2010 11:00 PM in response to: paragoric_annie Reply
> Let me repeat this one more time.....nobody
> "hates" Nippers or Keefus. It is extremely
> disrespectful for you to constantly use that word
> just because we aren't fans. But...if someone on this
> board did hate them....they would have the right to
> express it if the poster was respectful to others.
> That's the part you and your tag team seem to not
> understand....
> What part, of the above, is respectful? Multiple
> skeptics have posted on this thread today, and not
> one time has anyone called them a tag team.
> There are more than a couple of us, just as there are
> more than a couple of you.
What???? There's more than a couple of us? I thought we were all the same person???
It IS what it IS. Y'all come at one time and do your tag teaming constantly, in an effort to cause trouble. You can deny it all you want.
I distinctly remember seeing a post on some not-so-famous blog y'all hang out at, that "we can't let them win."
I don't think Keithy or Nicky care if you WIN or not. I really don't think Keithy or Nicky care one bit what's written about them, or said about them, or that a couple of fans feel the need to protect them from the big, bad wolves who are skeptical of them. They're too full of themselves to notice or care, so your efforts are futile. Why do we go through this conversation with you guys over and over and over again every couple of months?
They read hourly! And so do many more! More than they think!
The shit is hitting the fan this morning on E! C'mon KM, keep it up - they are running scared now! BAHAHAHAHA!
It would be hard to stay loyal to people like that KM, especially if you've been dishing them all your concert stories, etc... and then they turn around & boot you from their royal realm!
Give 'em hell!!
HELL NO, there are no answers to LIE upon Lies upon Lies!
OH SO STUPID AND OH SO HATEFUL are caught in their own web of lies! Front and center for the whole world to see!
There ain't no lying going to get them out of this one!
> As far as Keefus and his swimmers....the rumor of his
> vasectomy has been going around for years and years.
> I talked about it ten years ago with some Nashville
> friends. He was a known womanizer, and he was also
> known to be careless, so it is kind of strange that
> he fathered no children in the 25 years of drugs, sex
> and rock-n-roll. It's not just here that the subject
> has been discussed, and it's not a rumor anyone here
> started. It's really old news. You should know the
> whole story before you start accusing people of
> things.
Really a vasectomy huh? Then what's with OSL's story? You know the one where she had a conversation with Keith and he told her he was sick as a child with diptheria and the Measles and was sick for almost a year and the guitar and his Mother's love was the only thing that kept him alive??? Because if he was already sterile, a vasectomy would surely be overkill, don't you think??? So which is it? Did OSL not have that conversation with Keith??? I mean one of you must be right or is it neither of you??
QUESTION # 2................
Gosh, I hope someone brings a present for the teacher.
We all know how teachers love to "Unwrap" gifts.
You know about unwraping gifts with bows don't you, scary???
oh yes scarey knows all about that. Don't ya bowgirl & company!! Its just like Christmas around here!
To Flyin...
Glo, Glo, Glo. I know a lot of people think you are TL. Not that it really matters, two people one brain.
Could this be the famous Glow Worm from early dazes ?
Hate continues a long time and swells I guess.
So sweetie or should I say Grandma (one who has grandkids yet still talks about Keith in a sexual manner, really shouldn't throw stones. Or call someone else a not so young chick). You wanna keep going on this Glo??
Oh yes, Scarey, I forgot. We got pictures to prove it and a you al are so fond of saying,
sometime or other they usually appear to prove our stories!
Just sayin................
Hey you haters who came late to the KU Haters Club.
You have been runnin with the big dogs awhile now, but you might want to rethink that ASAP.
I know you want us to think you are big insiders, we know you are not, but there are some really sick cookies you are following off the cliff.
just sayin.........
Reposted for yawn....
Classy nomore's answer to this question about Nicole is below:
"In group pictures why does she always lean into the other man?"
nomore's answer:
That's an easy question, she is a d!ck tease!
Kind of like you leaning into John Rich, right nomore? But, the trouble is you can only DREAM about being a d!ck tease!
And guess what NMF we have pictures to prove how classy you are .
You might be thinking twice abt. what you say, because there are pictures of you floating around the web of you doing a little LEANING of your own! They ain't pretty !
What a class act !
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