August 31, 2009

Some Perspective For The Haters

"...and the attention of the Hall is focused as well so it's not just a money benefit, it's an awareness benefit." ~Keith Urban


red@gold said...

With all due respect Skewermistress ... the haters have NO idea what perspective is; they lost that "ability" a long, long time ago. They wouldn't recognize it if it was hanging around their neck.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Vince Gill must want some publicity. And Brad Paisley must just want EOTY.

SkewerMistress said...

Yes yawn, but while we know they have no idea what reality is anymore, it doesn't hurt to throw some of it at them.

THANK_YOU said...

I agree SM, reality slapping them in the face is good for them.

Notice that the more positive news that's out, leaves them scrambling to find ANYTHING to twist to the negative? Keith is being praised left & right for heading this event, and it's left them in quite a pickle because one of their main rants is that Nashville doesn't like the Urbans. He's not "country" enough for Nashville anymore, the citizens of Nashville hate his wife, on & on...

Funny how he's being called "our hero" and this being said, "To have someone of Keith's stature play, it's overwhelming to us."

SO, they've turned to the only thing they know - attack mode. If it's hard to find anything to back up your hate of KUNK, turn it on the fans...Now it's we're the sick ones, we're the juvenile ones. LOL, you skeptics are a laugh a minute! :D

countrycat said...

Just want to say thank you SMistress for what you do.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of artists (young and old) who have been on Keith's side and they remain loyal. That makes me joyous.

Anonymous said...

"Notice that the more positive news that's out, leaves them scrambling to find ANYTHING to twist to the negative? Keith is being praised left & right for heading this event"

As well he should and this is exactly one of the things that made me stand back and dissassociate from them.

He cannot win no matter what he does. They can't give him credit for anything...not one single thing.

It's really sad. I just don't get it.

They're not fans, they're not skeptics, they're protestors.

THANK_YOU said...

Anon @ 10:16 said...

As well he should and this is exactly one of the things that made me stand back and dissassociate from them.

I ask this in all seriousness anon, can you shed any light into these women's thinking? It's not allowed on E (asking their reasons for their hate), and I, for once, would like to hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Why would a person keep following someone's career & life that they detest?

I would like to hear it from your perspective, if you were once privy to their thoughts.

JustShutThemOut said...

They're haters, pure & simple.

Anonymous said...

Yes they are.

I know that I'm sitting in my fantastic seats at the ALL FOR THE HALL show, I'll be laughing! Laughing that they can't seem to know which sides of their faces they are going to talk out of next. I think the AFTH and its follow-up could put them all over the brink...if they aren't already there! LOL!!

SkewerMistress said...

They are already there Anon. Every day they are just playing catch up trying to pin something on one or both of them. But the fact remains that Vince Gill and Keith will be getting praise for this event. Imahick will be glad for Keith that it doesn't have to do with his wife unless there are pics taken of her attending. Then she'll be disappointed and the hard-core haters like nomorefan will continue with the same spiel. And the hating will continue into November for Nicole's next film release. It probably will make their holiday season to have a film they can ridicule. But film discussions are even better because they really make the haters look stupid. Ask countrycat!

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