Posted: Jul 27, 2008 2:42 PM
Don't you know the first thing anybody would do 2 days later is exercise?
She just wanted an excuse to cover up a boob job and maybe a lip implant worked in before the Oscars.
Posted: Jul 23, 2009 6:58 PM
But she also did an interview...by satellite feed, when she had her boob job...errhhh...I mean her "broken ribs" and couldn't attend in person.
hit n run
Posted: Oct 20, 2009 5:39 PM
I'm suprised she was offered so many nude parts considering how flat chested and thin she is.
Posted: Nov 24, 2009 11:00 AM
The difference between Nicole's bustline from years ago to now is striking. Even giving her the benefit of the doubt (and discrediting all the holes and scars that have been noted in her pits), there is no way such a large change in her bust can be attributed strictly to pregnancy/breast feeding or general weight gain. Something artificial has occurred.
Posted: Jan 17, 2010 10:08 PM
What the he$$ was she wearing? Doesn't she know that flatchested people(did I call her a person)should never wear that style/It was the most un-flattering thing I've ever seen......(hahah everything she wears is UN-FLATTERING)
What happened to Her BOOB JOB?
Posted: May 20, 2010 2:46 PM
It does look as though she had a really bad boob job done
hit n run
Posted: May 21, 2010 7:06 AM
I don't think their implants. Maybe some temporary procedure like botox or fillers that are used now.
So what can we teach the moronic skeptics today?
We've already seen this pic back from the 1990's
But guess what readers we have some more!
From the premiere of Portrait Of A Lady in 1996...
Here's Nicole wearing a jacket over her empire waist gown
Now here's Nicole later in the evening....
Did she get implants between arriving and the screening? LMAO!
And another shot...
So between May 16, the GAC Nashville Telethon and May 20, The Hong Kong UNIFEM gala, Nicole Kidman had enough time to have a boob job, recover, fly around the world, do press and media all day, a dinner gala at night wearing mind you a dress not suitable for a post-op patient, and fly back home immediately afterwards. All with the consent of her magic medical team!
Yes ladies and gentleman Nicole Kidman defies all logic, reason, and science!
E! Online skeptics, Urban Myths, maclen, Choice....run, don't walk to get your subscription to the Daily Mail. You're all idiots!
Posted after this blog went live
hit n run
May 21, 2010 8:27 AM
Well erniesmom, I personally don't think its implants or anything else. Just the latest in push up, push in undergarments. There are pictures throughout her career when she appears to have a chest only to be completely flat in the next set of pictures. She didn't look any different at the telethon in Nashville just days before this event did she?
It's. Just. Too. Easy.
May 21, 2010
It's Back! The E! Online Skeptic Nicole Kidman Boob Job Flip Flop Game!
8:09 AM
Labels: choice, e online skeptics, flip flop, gac, haters, hitnrun, lies, maclen, middlesea, MImosa erniesmom, nicole kidman, portrait of a lady, unifem, Urban Myths
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Thanks for the pics SM! The green dress has always been one of my favorite Nicole red carpet looks ever. People seem to forget it with all the other top designers she's worn over the years.
It's pretty funny when a group of people supposedly so in the know can't get their story straight, even after 5 years. Just obsessed hateful people.
It hasn't taken long. Oh " so" Leery (Jakra777) is posting like her old self again. Check out the Defying Sanity section in the sidebar for her latest hate speech.
"So between May 16, the GAC Nashville Telethon and May 20, The Hong Kong UNIFEM gala, Nicole Kidman had enough time to have a boob job, recover, fly around the world, do press and media all day, a dinner gala at night wearing mind you a dress not suitable for a post-op patient, and fly back home immediately afterwards. All with the consent of her magic medical team!"
Please please please SKEPTICS, send us the name of the surgeon who performed her marvelous, miraculous boob job. I want one too!
I also want one of those now you see it, now you don't boob jobs. It must come with a bicycle pump.
For a bunch of people who don't eat, breath and live Nicole Kidman, they sure like to analyze every picture and every word she says.
Seriously, do they think they're fooling anybody?
If Jakra777 is Oh Leery, the moderator should be notified if she's suggesting death again. Oh Leery got permanently banned twice and shouldn't be let back on E.
The problem is that a comment like that puts the doing on Keith. Everyone knows it's Oh " so" Leery but the skeptics won't say anything and it is against the rules to point something like that out publicly on the thread.
Leery has been slowly slipping into her old posting habits. She may do herself in with her own words sooner rather than later. It's clear the woman is unstable.
Ha ha Can they look any dumber?
Every two weeks Nic has a boob job. Now how many is that in 6 years? LMAO!
HIT AND DUMB wins the booby prize this week!
THAT IDIOT ACTUALLY THINKS SHE IS SMART , AND WITTY ! ( which is really lol funny to watch!)
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