August 29, 2012

Keith Urban & Nicole Kidman Updates

Well should we get the biggest story out of the way?

No, American Idol has not signed Keith Urban yet as a judge. As much as the skeptics are floundering and falling on their faces most of the media has gone overboard reporting the story with no real source, no "horse's mouth" so to speak.

Fortunately for this blog and the real fans we can tell you definitively that there is NO CONFIRMATION of anything and that comes stright from Nashville and Keith's team. WSIX reported it and no other media outlet seems to be spreading the word because the truth is not a flashy enough story. Where were your "sources" OldHickory?

But we would like to commend inept skeptic maclen. She said she found her internet doppleganger and she couldn't be more right! The author of a peice concerning the Idol judge search got way more flak than they bargained for. A peice that's full of misinformation and total disregard for the truth. It's maclen in a nutshell and exactly why the skeptics are trying to sell it as the final word of public opinion. Words to describe the author/article from the comments include "clown", "insulting", "disgusting", "American Idiot", "know nothing", "misinformed", "inexperienced", "has no clue", and on and on. Way to go maclen!

To read more of the well-informed fans comments click

At least the skeptics are consistent with that falling on their face thing. The backtracking and lying over the past week concerning Keith and his diabolical plans (or should we say Nicole's diabolical plans) give us nothing but more of the same from our favorite "fans". What started out as a coup for Brad Paisley has turned into a bottom of the barrel desperation move by someone who can barely get a gig in Reno. Thanks skeptics for the laugh!


We'd also like to let everyone know that Keith is going to be part of a fantastic educational program for children in the Nashville Public School System on September 6
at 10 am. The event will be streamed live at the Country Music Hall of Fame website as well as Keith's fansite.

“We’re thrilled to offer music and arts students from several Metro Nashville Public Schools the chance to get ‘up close and personal’ with one of country music’s great talents, Keith Urban,” said Ali Tonn, the museum’s director of education and public programs. “In this special program, students will hear Keith talk about the craft of songwriting, his influences and creative inspirations, seminal moments in his career and more. They will also have the opportunity to ask him questions. This program is the first of its kind for the museum and will serve as a ‘pilot’ of sorts; we hope to be able to offer more All Access educational programs when our museum expansion is completed in 2014.”

For more info click here

To close, Nicole's The Paperboy will be screening at TIFF (Toronto). The schedule of films has been released and Paperboy will be shown September 14. As long as Nicole does not have conflicts with any of her other projects we should expect her to be there.

June 19, 2010

The Gift Of Transparency

Happy Birthday to Nicole!

Happy Father's Day to Keith!

In honor of the celebratory weekend, Skewering The Skeptics is going to celebrate the best way we know how. And that readers is to give you the gift of transparency, something the E! Online and Urban Myths skeptics detest.

It's been brewing for a while, this decision on when to post the following food for thought, but the subject of today's blog made the decision for us.

Inept Team Maclen: Party Of One

maclen has been playing a game, pretending to be someone he's (or should we say she's) not. We initially chose "he" for maclen, not because we believed maclen is male, but simply because "it" isn't really appropriate. But now, today, maclen is a she. Let us explain.

Maclen went completely off the rails this past week and it got us to thinking.... How does someone who is just a reader and poster have so much free reign on a blog that's not theirs? It also brought us back to the beginning, as it so often does, to get to the truth of what maclen is really all about.

The Urban Myths blog started in January of 2007. "maclen" didn't show up until May of 2007 but read those posts and she's not a poster you'd recognize. Why? Because the persona maclen posts as today is a purposefully crafted and stylized con designed to hide who she really is.

May 2007

maclen: great blog, I read it daily,,. this marriage has been pretty dubious from the beginning. It will be a very bumpy rollercoaster ride, for all involved, I have no doubt. They've chosen a public vocation, like it or not, and they will need to contend with the scrutiny and speculation. Thats the reality, and of course they try to control the image they would like to portray, some are good at it, some are not. As to kidman, true, this marriage is irrelevant to her movie career... but her real problem is her blandness and choices of movie roles.

I'd say its pretty brave to put your opinions out there for people to possibly question your motives, or your intentions. Just as at this point in showbiz's almost century mark, people who decide to be public figures are not expecting to have their lives scrutinized by more and more outlets. But we all make our own minds on our opinions, and everyone is able to express them.

So I take it you agree with my opinion, and not yours, that this blogger is in fact brave? You seem to want to believe that this is, or should be, a news outlet, with all the journalistic "standards and procedures" that should be adhered to, just like NBC news, CNN,.., etc? Personally, I read this as a personal blog, who gives her /his on urbans career, marital highs and woes, what have you. Ånd I happen to agree with most of it, thats all. If she intends differently, thats fine with me, I'll believe and disbelieve whatever i read anyways, as usual.

For starters, how the hell would you know that it just now started to bother me? Or for that matter, when it started to bother me. And just FYI, so you wont ignorantly and arrogantly post what i think again, I have no problem that urban was involved, its kidman i have a probem with. Dont put words in my mouth.. i dont know where your hands have been!

The bare bones of that old maclen, the arrogance and anger, is what links that persona to new maclen.

Today the repetitive and useless air quotes, overuse of elipses, similar transitions, repeated ad nauseam sentence structure, vocabulary, and use of nicknames like "orb" and "sunry" are simply devices to mask the old Keith Urban fan behind the computer screen. Every ounce of the character of "maclen" is a plot to deceive. 1urbanfan27 tried it at Keith Urban's CMT message board to hide who she was on the E! KUNK threads. It all comes out in the wash though. You can't elevate dirt from mud no matter how hard you try. maclen is no better than Mimosa or astilbe or nomorefan, even if she doesn't start pedophilia, drug abuse, or adultery rumors. Thats maclen's crafty plan....stay away from the nasty E! Online skeptic lies and pound her fist 24/7 that Nicole and Keith's careers are over. Maclen probably thinks she's a genius for coming up with the idea. BAHAHAHAHA!

Maclen has slipped up a few times, like this odd comment where she spells "behavior" the English way.....

maclen: notachance, my point is if you are going to continue to whine and become shrill over mods behaviour,

Trying to come up with the right personality perhaps?

But then the signature skeptic anger comes forth when maclen is told she is wrong.

Unfortunately maclen is wrong alot. That also raises a red flag. How does a person who claims to know so much about pop music history and therefore the industry fall flat on their face so much? After all, maclen named herself after the McCartney/Lennon publishing company Maclen Music. That much of a Beatle fan puts her into the key age bracket of a skeptic. Don't you think it's hard to believe anyone into detailed knowledge like that can be that dense. Or is it that they want to make it look that way? We go back to a key statement from several readers (personal acquaintances of the skeptics) that's been brought up more than once. Skeptics will knowingly and repeatedly post false information and rumors that even they don't believe just to keep the con going. They do it as part of the game.

Urban Myths has been playing the game since its inception....Posting blogs without giving so much as a screen name credit to the writer and suspiciously the blog owner "UM" responds very little. The more maclen has posted the less UM shows up. Who starts a blog with the decision not to interact with the readers? A poor attempt to simply spread lies rather than have any kind of mature discussion would be the motivation.

So let's get back to this past week when maclen lost it. This is just 3 of the ludicrous rants.....

maclen: They probably hired their own photographers to get the "magic moment" show off to their fansie sites...who have absolutely no problem with that "thing" they have no "opinion on"... and are quite able to simply ignore! Clearly, "country fans" have no opinion or "problem" regarding racism! So, Kid Rock's "confederate flag" can proudly wave on...and napalm mayer's "david duke D*@k" can readily boogie with frosted highlights and blond, blue eyed orb to the parade of the caucasian masses. But I bet darius rucker will be allowed in the building...granted that he gets in throught the BACK DOOR!

MAYER: I’m half Jewish. People say, “Well, which side of your family is Jewish?” I say, “My dad’s.” And they always say it doesn’t count. But I will say I keep my pool at 92 degrees, so you do the math. I find myself relating to Judaism. One of my best friends is Jewish beyond all Jews—I went to my first Passover seder at his house—and I train in Krav Maga with a lot of Israelis."

Wow...being half jewish on your father's side..."doenst count?" he replies.."he keeps his pool at 90 degrees, so do the math" is ridiculous gibberish that means what?

PLAYBOY: It is true; a lot of rappers love you. You recorded with Common and Kanye West, played live with Jay-Z.

MAYER: What is being black? It’s making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that’s seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you’ll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude’s.

No your struggle is of a loudmouth douchebag who somehow feels entitled because you play guitar and want to be "down with the homies!"

Orb clearly knows how to pick his associations for the most distasteful results! And I'd say after this cmt performance...the crossroads telecast and the live gig in August, people will not be able to think of napalm mayer without also thinking of orb...what a smooth and savvy operator!

maclen: Because I find it heineous that mayer is finding "refuge" in the country community...and he's getting in via the orb. When mayer made those disgusting comments last Feb, there were many celebs who came out against them...

Celebrities React to John Mayer's Playboy Interview

This disgusts me even more than kidman's exploitation of the UN ambassadorship to shill her films...and the realization I made clear a few comments ago that it is quite obvious that there is a VERY VERY high tolerance for racism in the COUNTRY COMMUNITY..whether it's mayer finding a "safe haven" with his new brethren orb at the CMT awards...or as I also pointed out...CMT awards host, Kid Rock's LOVE for the confederate flag! And I will absolutely bring it up over and over and over again, through the Crossroad telecast later this the live gig they have together in August. So if you cant stomach my comments over this issue, I recommend you skip or ignore them... if they make you feel "uncomfortable" that orb is giving mayer a "country pass" to hide out among the appeasers and the high tolerant of his racist attitudes within the country industry and of the country fans without one word of opinion or acknowledgment...I again, suggest you cover your eyes...plug your ears and cover your mouths!

What have we got here? Some serious stupidity. Maclen thinks she can pretend she doesn't understand what Mayer meant when he said his father's Jewish side of the family doesn't count. Maclen thinks she can pull off serious anger over Mayer coming into country music when in 2007 she said she didn't even know country music. She said she only knew Urban though Kidman. She still pretends to only hear snippets of Urban's music. Does she think that absolves her responsibility for the lies she posts?

maclen (2007): Urban, I dont know much about, except that he has some serious addiction problems, has a few hit country songs. I'm not into country music, so i cant talk to the quality of his music really. I find kidman to be irritatingly bland, dull and lacking in any personality what so ever, to merit the acclaim she's given in the industry. I find her to be, to my taste, a shameless advocate of her own fame and adulation, who will utilize the usual cliched hollywood charity "work " simply to promote their cultivated image.

Funny, how could someone who didn't follow country music know about Keith Urban's addiction issues? Coverage of country artists didn't really travel outside the radar of country music fans until a few years ago. Please don't tell me she heard all about it because she followed Nicole Kidman''s career like a hawk, even though she can't stand her! Funny, how maclen says she can't judge Urban's music but today takes every opportunity to do so against other country music she said she had no knowledge of. And funny again how maclen, supposedly not a skeptic, quotes chapter and verse, albeit more pompously, the reasons why the skeptics say Nicole Kidman is an evil witch.

We'd also like to ask maclen and the skeptics how did maclen get into their "gated community"? That's a term used by the skeptics themselves, because they know they had to try to keep out anyone not willing to lie and backstab to keep the delusions going. Unfortunately for the hardcores, some saw the light and left the cultish group (it's sounding more and more like one isn't it!). Someone left a comment on Urban Myths to the effect of "I've known you maclen from another KUNK board, but what you are saying now is too much to go along with". If someone can find that quote from the UM comments it would be greatly appreciated. But it was there and it sent up a huge warning signal.

There's also the issue of leadership. A blog owner has to take the reigns because the sad truth is the freedom of the internet gives certain people the idea that they can do and say whatever they want (Just ask nomorefan!). Maclen can say whatever insane opinions and lies she wants and they are published, no questions asked. More personalities like "abc" have popped up who have posted just as much stupidity and they are allowed in time and time again. "abc" with their delusions probably thinks with the World Cup going on in their country that the New Zealand team, called the All Whites, is racist. Why not go hog wild crazy on the racist issue skeptics?

None but a few with common sense will say anything against the insanity. It comes back to skeptics allowing an opposing opinion to keep the game going. They don't care that they are proven wrong. They need a platform to keep the discussion going because they are mentally out of kilter. After 5 years they need an argument to stay active. Look at the E! Online skeptics. Without threads that allow both sides to post, they have to struggle just to get a page worth of hate going. "Urban Myths" accepted maclen with open arms....

Urban Myths: Maclen, you are a most welcome addition to our little blog, mate. Thanks for joining us with your perspective.


How very convenient.

If you noticed posters like hoosierlady and mikki go straight to "What do you think maclen?", as if she needed prodding to get her to respond. Isn't this "Urban Myths"'s blog. Why isn't "Urban Myths" responding or for that matter being asked?

In summation, we don't know if maclen is really the owner of Urban Myths. It doesn't matter. She is a skeptic from way back. She is a Keith Urban fan who is pissed off.

We've got

1) Lashing out in anger and arrogance to the point of losing it
2) Pretending to be someone she's not
3) Trotting out music knowledge but lying about everyone and everything connected with Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
4) Allowance to post whatever she wants regardless of how stupid it makes the group that is Urban Myths look

It's pure skeptic behavior through and through. From now on Inept Team Maclen: Party of One is no more. maclen is now Inept Senior Skeptic Maclen

So Inept Senior Skeptic Maclen, while you are in a blind rage, cracking washboards over anything you can find (there's a Lennon reference just for you) we'd like to ask you if you enjoyed finding out John Mayer presented Taylor Swift with a major award from the Songwriters Hall Of Fame this week. Swift allows someone she's embarrased by, at a private event, to mark a huge occasion in her career. How unbelievable.

You Inept Senior Skeptic Maclen, you are unbelievable, literally.

On behalf of country music fans, Keenan Thompson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock, Terrell Owens, Cowboy Troy, Kid Rock's African-American band members, any African-American audience members, Darius Rucker who didn't even attend the CMT ceremony, and Reba...

You are truly an embarrassment.

Good luck now that you are exposed!

June 9, 2010

Tara And Maclen: Urban Myths
Liars Caught Once Again

At rehearsals jamming with John Mayer, for the CMT Awards tonight.
~ Keith Urban

tara: It sounds like he may not even be playing live but they are going to show a clip from his Crossroads show with that pillar of virtue John Mayer.

maclen: and a few days ago I have noticed as I was perusing Getty Images...they had photos of the awards rehearsals. And then I noticed that orb was NOT included...and then earlier today I noticed an update of day 2 of rehearsals for the show...

TN: 2010 CMT Music Awards - Rehearsals - Day 2

...and again, napalm mayer's new partner, orb...and for that matter napalm himself is missing from the rehearsals for the show. So, I WONDER...what possible reason would there be for the dimwitted duo to pass on rehearsing for the show? I mean, it's not like any of the other announced performers of the show who were also not at the rehearsals have a such a huge and negative stench and pall hanging over their disgraced heads over vile comments they made! Surely, I KNOW precisely why they would not have the guts to show their faces for the expected photographers at the rehearsals! And it also gives me pause to even consider that tara may in fact be right in his/her comment a few threads ago that they may in fact NOT play live on the show...and perhaps they would simply show a clip of the crossroads taping.

How long ago was it announced Keith Urban and John Mayer would be doing Hit The Ground Running? And how did you nitwits miss the fact that that Keith talked about it on his livestream chat????

Oh you skeptics and haters never learn! But you certainly put the myths in Urban Myths!

May 23, 2010

What Did And Didn't Happen At Cannes 2010

Much criticism has been thrown at Nicole Kidman, from the skeptics and haters, that she wasn't at Cannes. Two films she passed on, Fair Game and You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger have screened there. Of course the haters will also point out that Naomi Watts, Nicole's friend is in both of them. Another Aussie friend Russell Crowe has a film at Cannes, the Ridley Scott version of Robin Hood. In the real world none of this matters. What her friends do isn't going to hurt Nicole or help her. But the skeptics think their opinion, based upon nothing but hate, matters. Let's take a look....

Mimosa:Isn't it interesting that Cate and Russell are in Cannes with a new movie that is said to be wonderful,while Granny Freeze is doing a bad Hula in one of those awful Adam Sandler movies that will only be seen by middle schoolers. Sometimes things do work out right in the movie industry...

Isn't it a shame when idiots have a forum to post whatever they want. Clearly Mimosa knows nothing about the latest Russell/Ridley pairing, or film in general. The biggest criticism of the film is that RH takes itself too seriously. Well anyone who knows Crowe and Scott and their personalities can see this could be a problem. The fun they had together on A Good Year, is completely absent. It is a well-made, well-acted film but is it the Robin Hood many of us wanted to see? No. We'd also like to mention, just for accuracy's sake, the 45% meter rating it received on Rotten Tomatoes and a little story. We know Mimosa won't share because she's too busy looking for rumors and lies about Nicole and Keith. There was a story circulating online that Ridley Scott would not be attending the premiere of Robin Hood at Cannes because he was embarrassed by his own film. Sounds like another silly rumor started by skeptics, only without KUNK. The truth was that Scott had to have surgery and missing the event was unavoidable. But the internet doesn't care. The haters and naysayers continued to lie about the whole thing despite the fact Scott made a statement himself. So you see readers, the reality is just as we have suggested all along....Nicole isn't disliked by as many people as the skeptics say; the public doesn't agree with their disgusting lies. It's the age of the internet where certain people have decided they should make a hobby out of saying anything they want because they can.

So Mimosa, do you believe Roger Ebert when he says doesn't like Robin Hood? Because remember you dismissed his praise for Australia? BAHAHAHAHA!

Now we're off to the land of politics and Fair Game. Fair Game turned out to be a Naomi Watts / Sean Penn film instead of it's original incarnation with Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe. Personally STS wishes Nicole and Russell, if they are ever to work together, would be cast in a dark comedy instead of serious dramas. They certainly have the chemistry for it.

But let's see what Inept Team Maclen: Party of One has to say....

maclen: also interesting, that the "once" almost kidman starring valerie plame biopic, "Fair Game" is to debut at is the woodman's "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger"...both passed on due to "scheduling conflicts" by kidman. So now Rabbit Hole, coming up on 9 months since filming ended, it would appear continues to languish in PostPro, missing an opportunity to be viewed at the highest profile film festival. I do seem to recall when the film was in postdevel last year...the film which had been dropped by fox searchlight for funding and distribution, got funded by a few no name agencies for the express purpose of getting the film placed on the "cannes marketplace" for possible distributors.

While ignoring the lies in that mess of a postFair Game has screened so let's talk. This blog is grateful that Nicole did not end up in the cast. First of all, the scheduling conflict applies to the Woody Allen film, not Fair Game. In fact Nicole was always rumored. She was never cast but was the main contender by the director, who at the time was also unsigned to the picture. Other talk was that Diane Lane or Virginia Madsen would play Valerie Plame. The real reasons of why Nicole did not do the film are unknown. However perhaps she felt she had already gone down the political thriller road. With The Interpreter, Nicole's chemistry with Sean Penn wasn't as good as Naomi and Sean in 21 Grams. But of course they had so few scenes together and their characters' relationship was tenuous at best. In the end, most films gain the cast they were meant to be with. Hopefully when the final decisions are made the roles end up with the right people.

So will the skeptics be able to convincingly sing the praises of Fair Game? Not likely. The positive reviews seem to be about as good as The Interpreter's. Considered a "serviceable" film, i.e. decent but not great, we'll see how the skeptics will spin this. Also how will they spin the boos it received at the Cannes screening?

And now for Woody Allen's You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger. Another film at Cannes starring Naomi Watts in a large ensemble cast including Antonio Banderas and Anthony Hopkins. When the basic details of Allen's project came to light there was buzz. Would this be the return of vintage relationship comedy Woody, Husbands And Wives, Hannah And Her Sisters,Crimes And Misdemeanors...or reinvented celebrated Woody with Match Point? Then when Nicole Kidman was said to be added to the cast the excitement grew. Would she be in scenes with Naomi? Would they play rivals? Sisters? Well not exactly. As it turns out if Kidman had stayed with the film she would have been paired again with The Human Stain co-star Hopkins. Her part would have been akin to, and this is as best a comparison we can come up with without having seen the film yet, Sydney Pollack's girlfriend on the side, Sam the aerobics instructor. Now the skeptics might say how do we know this?

Well several months ago when the skeptics were busy starting new rumors Keith Urban was gay and ignoring the death threats from their favorite cohort Oh " so" Leery, we at STS and the fans were actually paying attention.

Here's a shot released from the film, with Hopkins and Lucy Punch, Nicole's replacement.

As you can see the role is more of a character part, the female that intrudes on already established relationships. Now while we would have loved to have seen Nicole in a Woody Allen film we aren't upset about the scheduling conflicts. How do you go from an on-screen relationship like the one she and Hopkins shared in Human Stain to something like what is shown in the above picture. Stain covers it all between the two of them. Such honesty in a picture that has always been underrated. There's no need to go there again. Our suggestion? Pair Paul Bettany and Nicole Kidman in a Woody Allen comedy about relationships. There was something interesting yet not completely explored from their time in Dogville.

Ultimately Tall Dark Stranger is getting mixed reviews. Allen seems to have hit the same mark as he did with Whatever Works. Not another Allen masterpiece, but not the disappointment of a complete failure.

So what have we learned here?

Tepid reviews without Nicole, the skeptics are silent. The smashing reviews that aren't happening would have been thrown back in her face. Tepid reviews with Nicole in the cast would have been all her fault.

If you've really been paying attention you'd notice how many actors and directors choose to work and try to work with Nicole on multiple projects. Doug Liman is probably still plotting his next move to get Nicole in one of his films.

We leave you with two excerpts from an interview with Sean Penn, Nicole Kidman, and the late Sydney Pollack...because you know, everyone in Hollywood hates Nicole Kidman! BAHAHAHAHA!

POLLACK: I had Nicole first, and I was trying very hard to find the actor who would disturb her--I mean, disturb the character. The movie takes place over five days, and there are five major scenes between these two characters, and each one is kind of a one-act play. They have to disturb each other in an attractive way. We didn't have a finished script until deep into the shooting, but I thought, O.K., I know Nic a little bit, I can be embarrassed by asking her to do a picture I don't have a script for. But I didn't know Sean that well. Am I going to fly up there like an a__hole and say do this thing for me without a script? In the end, I just admitted it. When I met him, I said, "If I were you, I wouldn't do this."

PENN: There wasn't a finished script, but you had a lot of good things. There was her, and, you know, you've already made 152 great movies. What is that, about a movie a year?


PENN: I sent you that note first 'cause I thought you were so great in that movie Buck Henry wrote [To Die For].

KIDMAN: That's right. You sent me a telegram, actually. But we met at a party. Whose party was it?

PENN: It was Princess Leia's [Carrie Fisher's] party, wasn't it?

KIDMAN: After To Die For, he sent me a lovely telegram, and to get that kind of encouragement early on in your career gives you much more confidence to do things that are unusual or a little bold or offbeat. The thing about Sean is that he has an incredibly generous spirit in terms of other people's work, particularly actors.

May 21, 2010

It's Back! The E! Online Skeptic Nicole Kidman Boob Job Flip Flop Game!

Posted: Jul 27, 2008 2:42 PM
Don't you know the first thing anybody would do 2 days later is exercise?
She just wanted an excuse to cover up a boob job and maybe a lip implant worked in before the Oscars.

Posted: Jul 23, 2009 6:58 PM
But she also did an satellite feed, when she had her boob job...errhhh...I mean her "broken ribs" and couldn't attend in person.

hit n run
Posted: Oct 20, 2009 5:39 PM
I'm suprised she was offered so many nude parts considering how flat chested and thin she is.

Posted: Nov 24, 2009 11:00 AM
The difference between Nicole's bustline from years ago to now is striking. Even giving her the benefit of the doubt (and discrediting all the holes and scars that have been noted in her pits), there is no way such a large change in her bust can be attributed strictly to pregnancy/breast feeding or general weight gain. Something artificial has occurred.

Posted: Jan 17, 2010 10:08 PM
What the he$$ was she wearing? Doesn't she know that flatchested people(did I call her a person)should never wear that style/It was the most un-flattering thing I've ever seen......(hahah everything she wears is UN-FLATTERING)
What happened to Her BOOB JOB?

Posted: May 20, 2010 2:46 PM
It does look as though she had a really bad boob job done

hit n run
Posted: May 21, 2010 7:06 AM
I don't think their implants. Maybe some temporary procedure like botox or fillers that are used now.


So what can we teach the moronic skeptics today?

We've already seen this pic back from the 1990's

But guess what readers we have some more!

From the premiere of Portrait Of A Lady in 1996...

Here's Nicole wearing a jacket over her empire waist gown

Now here's Nicole later in the evening....

Did she get implants between arriving and the screening? LMAO!

And another shot...


So between May 16, the GAC Nashville Telethon and May 20, The Hong Kong UNIFEM gala, Nicole Kidman had enough time to have a boob job, recover, fly around the world, do press and media all day, a dinner gala at night wearing mind you a dress not suitable for a post-op patient, and fly back home immediately afterwards. All with the consent of her magic medical team!

Yes ladies and gentleman Nicole Kidman defies all logic, reason, and science!

E! Online skeptics, Urban Myths, maclen,, don't walk to get your subscription to the Daily Mail. You're all idiots!



Posted after this blog went live

hit n run
May 21, 2010 8:27 AM
Well erniesmom, I personally don't think its implants or anything else. Just the latest in push up, push in undergarments. There are pictures throughout her career when she appears to have a chest only to be completely flat in the next set of pictures. She didn't look any different at the telethon in Nashville just days before this event did she?


It's. Just. Too. Easy.

May 10, 2010

There's Reality, And Then There's The E! Online Skeptics and Urban Myths Haters

Mimosa: Granny headed to Nashville to save her waterlogged zucchini?

Jakra777 / Oh " so" Leery: I guess her goats were doing the back stroke while Granny was doing the hula. I rather watch the goats. LOL

erniesmom: I wonder is she brought her Yacht to Nashville so she can continue to deliver her Meals on Wheels. Those poor people must be starving by now. Next thing we'll see Dufus dressed like the Captain...Anyone picture Gilligan?

maclen: Keith Urban: I may have lost old news already! OH NO! I hope the damage to orb's recording equipment doesnt effect the "quality"...or the "commercial viability" of orb's next cd! I'm sure they'll be a song dedicated to the know something thoughtful and profound...perhaps..."An ode to my Soggy Guitar"...or something as unforgettable as this..."Baby come here next to me, I'll show you how good it can be I'll breathe each breath you breathe I can, pour out everthing I am"

nomorefan: I was reading some news articles about the flooding, and in the comments many people were saying how sorry they felt for the artists. A person came along and said to not feel sorry for them. If they lost equipment, more than likely it is all fully insured due to traveling and storing it. The only hassle is buying everything again.

Valuable Guitars Ruined Or At Risk

At four hastily arranged warehouses around town, technicians are trying to save Nashville's guitars.

Tens of millions of dollars' worth of guitars, as well as drums, amplifiers and concert stage sets were submerged during the flood under 3½ feet of water in a warehouse along the Cumberland River banks.

Six hundred musicians — from big stars such as Brad Paisley, Keith Urban and LeAnn Rimes to Nashville's lesser-known working artists — stored their equipment at Soundcheck Nashville, the largest music storage in town.

Some instruments are legendary in music circles, vintage pieces that are irreplaceable.

"This is the music version of the Louvre flooding," said Ed Beaver, a musician and guitar repairer who had equipment there. "If you consider that major artists have instruments not only of monetary value but historical value, it's scary."

After three days of waiting for floodwaters to go down, Soundcheck allowed some musicians in Friday morning to retrieve gear from its 160,000-square-foot storage and rehearsal space.

An estimated 1,000 guitars, 2,000 amplifiers and hundreds of drum sets were damaged.
30 years of gear

Wearing rubber boots and gloves was Michael Spriggs, an A-list session player for 25 years whose credits include albums for Faith Hill, Reba McEntire, Trace Adkins and Eddie Rabbitt.

He made his way through sludge and puddles in an unlit hallway to his 5-by-10-foot storage locker — a space that had been temperature and humidity controlled pre-flood. It was now dank and smelly.

The small room contained all of the gear Spriggs had acquired over a 30-year career: three dozen vintage guitars, 16 amplifiers and audio control panels.

A 1931 Dobro disintegrated when he lifted it out of a water-filled case. An original Taylor 510 guitar, more than 20 years old, had buckled and warped. A Larrivee DLX guitar, hand- inlaid with mother-of-pearl, was destroyed. Some $20,000 worth of amplifiers, reverb machines and microphones were severely damaged.

Of the 13 guitars in his main cartage — the trunk that he routinely brings to recording studios or performances — eight appear to be a total loss, and five may have a shot at being repaired.

"At the end of the day, I'm one guy of many who've lost gear there," Spriggs said.

"But the biggest tragedy is cumulatively. If you put us all together, all our stuff is music history. You're never going to hear that 510 guitar sound from Blue (a Rimes album) or Big Time and Dreamin' Out Loud (by Adkins) or the Faith Hill songs.

"Not just these, but all the songs you hear on the radio? All these instruments were making that music. And they're lost," Spriggs said.
Big stars' gear at risk

Some of Music City's biggest stars stored nearly every instrument and all of their concert tour equipment in the warehouse. That included Urban, who had to borrow a guitar to play at WSMV-TV's benefit concert on Thursday night.

Country singer Jo Dee Messina's elaborate concert sets, including elevators, microphones, instruments and lighting, were flooded. Paisley's props and dozens of instruments for his upcoming H2O tour were stored at the facility.

"My guitar tech is spending like a broker on the stock exchange floor" to replace the gear, Paisley told The Associated Press last week.

Many musicians — like Spriggs, who was without insurance — can't afford to replace their losses so quickly. Three-quarters of all Nashville's working musicians have gear at Soundcheck, estimated Everett Lybolt, general manager for Sound Image, a Soundcheck competitor that was not affected by the flood.

Soundcheck owner Ben Jumper said Friday that it's unlikely the flood insurance he carried will be of any help to musicians.

"We have insurance, but nowhere near to cover this," Jumper said. "It's only going to cover a small amount. A lot of this stuff is irreplaceable."
Saving guitars

While individual musicians assess damage to their gear, a trio of Nashville's elite luthiers, guitar technicians Joe Glaser, George Gruhn and Ed Beaver, have started triage efforts, setting up at four warehouses rented by Soundcheck to dry out and assess equipment.

"We are trying to stabilize these instruments until we can decide what to do with them next," Glaser said. About 20 volunteers planned to examine flood-retrieved gear over the weekend, with volunteers in other states standing by to receive valuable instruments in need of repair.

"We're all just motivated by one thing here: We want to save Nashville's guitars. This is our history here," Glaser said.

At one South Nashville warehouse, drummer Rich Redmond opened a large storage container to find small drums half full of sloshing brown water. An old RCA amplifier used by Chet Atkins was among his soaked gear. An $8,000 German-made Sonor drum as large as a washing machine sat in a foot of water in its case.

"These were my pride and joy," said Redmond, drummer for country star Jason Aldean. "It's like that with everybody here. There's no place else on the planet that had this much stuff for this many musicians stored in one place. There's no other place that housed this much music culture. It's just a very sad moment in music history."

May 9, 2010

So The Skeptics And Haters
Are Playing
That Game

*****Photo removed because a reader got the wrong idea. It was supposed to be ridiculous, not taken literally!*****

Have you seen anything more ridiculous?

from Urban Myths "Watch Out!"

Without Prejudice.

IMO, the person here named ‘Jasfro’ appears to be a person who goes by MANY different names, throughout the internet (entertainment sites), made obvious by the repetitive and regular use of specific abusive language and the unusual guffaw “BAHAHAHAHA”, aggressive bullying and gang-like intimidation, demonising and what seems to be the systematic outing of members of the internet community on ‘his/her/its’ website/blog called Skewering the Skeptics:

‘His/her/its’ PRIMARY name is Skewer Mistress, but ‘he/she/it’ seemingly goes by the following names as well (with apologies to anyone mistakenly identified as being SM):

‘reality check’
‘Suck It Up Skeptics’
'Someone's an idiot if'
‘Please just stop’
‘you just don’t get it’
‘stoptheposterbashing LOSER’
'yeah we know'
'ayn rand'
'sue raddatz'
'sweet thing'

This multi-headed person trawls and scours the various forums to find people to target and attack, generally being those who put forth ‘negative’ statements about Keith and/or Nicole Urban. Some of this can be found at JJ (any of the KUNK threads), where Urban Myths is often referred to by this person, for eg:

What gives this multi-split-personality away is ‘his/her/its’ repetitive use of the same abusive language and words (below) in describing the people that ‘he/she/it’ is excessively and unnaturally obsessed with, for who knows what reason: money, ego, site-flow, attention, addiction, animosity, loneliness?:

“too stupid” “freaks” “nasty” “haters” “jealous” “screwballs” “morons” “idiots” “sickos” “whacko” “jackass” “comical” “K unts” “losers” “nuts” “liars” “frauds” “ridiculous” “so sick” “sad” “desperate” “conspiracy theorists” “psychos” “nasty” “piss off” “shut up loser” “pffffff” “you all” “facts don’t lie” “skeptics”.

It is one thing to assert one’s opinion and one’s rights, but it is quite another to be viciously aggressive and hypocritical about it. That’s just not ok.



Watch Out! if you truly believe all those accounts are one person you do belong at Urban Myths. Most likely you are abc posing as another commenter because you denied being abc on Just Jared in the first place. It's a shame for you, stoptheposterbashng, we can all figure it out. You needed a new alias and got one this month. It's not coincidental, it's pathological.

maclen: HA! I actually missed this comment! Well, you can add "Elmo" to the long list of "puppet" names for this genius! I had this dimbulb pegged about a year ago!

The dim bulb is you maclen, another foot shuffler who can't recognize when you've been had by another hater. You too don't know what the skeptics have been up to years before you came along.

The BAHAHAHAHAHA's......the skeptics started it, and now they'll have to live with it. Johnny come lately Nicole Kidman haters included!

So excuse us if we BAHAHAHAHAHA in your face!


May 8, 2010

Why The Skeptics And Haters
Can't Just Go With It

Well the simple answer is they're hateful goons. But at STS we always go deeper than that to get the real story. It requires paying attention, having at least a basic understanding of the industries involved, and most importantly having both feet grounded in reality. You may not agree with the opinions here, but you'll always get the facts.

So....the skeptics AND haters are all in agreement....they're screwed.

maclen:Yes, you may be may turn out to be a bigger role than originally reported. And I would imagine it is clearly because kidman may have nothing in line after this role!

hoosierlady: To change the subject, are we going to see every frame of the movie Just Go With It before it ever comes out?

Choice: This cameo appearance may all be part of her new agent's "Reinvention of Nicole" strategy. You know, to slowly re-introduce her to the public after a string of flops. If this film fails, Nicole can say that she was only in it for 10 seconds, so cannot be held to blame.

dumbfounded: Why in the HE!! did they choose her for that role?

mikki: Daily Mail has Kidman in yet another of her scenes in the film. Obviously she managed to increase her part from a two minute cameo to a small supporting role. Considering Aniston's string of flops is nearly as long as Kidman's this film won't be worth seeing either.

They jumped on the media bandwagon of "Nicole Kidman in cameo for Sandler flick", not paying attention to the major FACT that even the media said it was speculating. So why go with speculation? Well one, they are skeptics aren't they?! But two they could try and spin a cameo into "proof" that Nicole Kidman's career was dying. By the way Mary, if Urban Myths had proof in 2007, wouldn't you be done desperately trying to prove yourself time and time again? It has been 3 and half years. But we suppose starting out with a fake newswire item trying to pass off your hate as fact was a sign of things to come. We're all for interesting pictures in the sidebar but some substance would be nice to back it up.

Anywho, that leaves us with nothing to do but go back to the beginning, back to where the hint of Nicole's appearance started. That would be a Dan Patrick podcast where his friends Adam Sandler and a few other top comedians were talking sports and movies. Near the close of the show, Adam Sandler mentioned his new film, which at that point was in pre-production, would include Dan Patrick in a scene with Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman. Let's look at that again.....Dan Patrick in a scene with Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman. So because it was leaked that Patrick would have "a scene" (Sandler's exact words), he has after all done 5 cameos so far, somehow the media took that as Nicole Kidman is also in a cameo role. Why not Jennifer? Well stories had already been circulating that she and Sandler would be doing a comedy together. So naturally, Kidman showing up out of nowhere...must be a cameo! Well hold your horses media...and skeptics. Just because there were no whispers of Kidman's involvement earlier, or anyone else's in the part for that matter, doesn't mean you can make assumptions. And from Sandler's description, and the facts we now know (foil to romantic lead with husband included) Kidman's part was already bigger than a cameo in the pre-production shooting script. Oh yeah, Dave Matthews is another Sandler flick regular!

But assumptions are what the skeptics live off of and they always point in the negative direction. Not that a cameo is going in the negative direction. Again another industry fact the skeptics and haters are clueless or in denial of. A well-crafted comedic appearance can be a wonderful thing for an actor to have the chance to do. However, this ain't no cameo. No it's a fully fleshed role, the nemesis of the female romantic lead. Of course the skeptics will spin this every which way they can.....She's not the lead, She's too unattractive to play the part, she's too old, it won't be long before she's doing made-for-tv movies in Australia (yes we've read it all folks). However, as we said before an interesting character that has more quirks and more heightened comedy than Aniston's straight gal (that's comedy not sexuality Mimosa) role is probably a far more interesting thing to see any actor portray. Let's also not forget, even the most respected and revered actors who are of Nicole's generation have done the comedy/romcom. Cold Mountain co-star and 3-time Oscar nominee Philip Seymour Hoffman played second fiddle to Ben Stiller in Along Came Polly, also a Jennifer Aniston film. He's another versatile actor that can go from Along Came Polly, to a Mission: Impossible flick, to a film like Doubt with Meryl Streep. Oh there's another versatile Kidman co-star again. The links we keep making here!

See for yourself. Here's another set of photos from the comedy Just Go With It. We know the skeptics can't just go with it but who needs them! This time the cast is joined by comedian Nick Swardson who has some mightily impressed family members.

Minneapoils-St.Paul Star Tribune

More to be proud of ...

Minnesota's Nick Swardson is shooting a movie with Jennifer Aniston
and Nicole Kidman.

"Yes! I know! Even my Mom and I keep saying, 'Are you sure it's Nicole
Kidman and not Nicole Richie?'" said Rachel Swardson, his sister.
"Adam Sandler and Brooklyn Decker, cover of Sports Illustrated [swim
suit issue]. Super, super hottie. So I'm going to Hawaii to hang out
with Nick on set." The working title of the movie is "Just Got With

We'll let the Urban Myths skeptics buy into cynic maclen's diarrhea-of-the-mouth dissertations. How long will it take hoosierlady to figure out the reason they are seeing all those shots of Nicole on set is because websites are purchasing them? We'll let nomorefan try to lead the pointless discussion on E! You can hear the sound of crickets over there. Wonder what's wrong?

May 7, 2010

Choice's Whatchasayy and Urban Myths' Maclen: Scum Festering In A Sea Of Hate

whatchasayy: Anyone realized it or occur to you that we have been witnessing her with her baby shots, ALWAYS the baby carried the same way, perched on one side of her hips, FOR YEARS AND YEARS, only her clothing and sceneries change. This fits in with her rigid mentality about anything. Other celebrity babies are captured INTERACTING with their parents, walking, tuned into/curious about their surroundings, independently enjoying themselves. HERS always look lost...and semi-retarded...not tuned into herself at all. BTW, you get like that when you talk at and not with the baby, the baby's brains aren't used to turning, not getting attention to convey who she is, and she already looks slow. Also has there been a picture at all of KU taking ownership of the baby and enjoy her the way other celebrity dads do, like placing kisses, or lift her up to make her giggle, etc. Of course, not having your own baby is no doubt a large part of it in this weird family....

maclen: Yes, I get see, these critters keep coming here to get the skeptics to "pat their heads" and to justify their fawning of the orb! Otherwise, they cannot worship unconditionally...they arent able to "wuv" him thoroughly or totally unless the skeptics (and this cynic here) say to them..."yes the orb is soooo fab...he is beyond even the most handsome ...the bomb of all country pickers...he dominates the world of all that is "homespun!" For they are not content with the wuvin' the other monkeylanders bestow on him at their little pristine, shallow and one dimensional monkeysite. I sense alot of little insecure moppets... looking for "justification"... HERE at Urban Myths! And I for one will not give my "stamp of approval"...I for one have no problem whatsoever NOT commenting at the monkeysite...or the addicts site...for I have my opinion and I'm content with it, no matter what. But these monkeys will never be content in THEIR opinion on the orb...never secure that a possible spread of "unpopular" talk or discontent among former monkeys wont begin to spread to other "insecure" monkeys that results in the orb's eventual demise on the whole scene! Well, dellusional monkeys, look at the orb's cd sales, his demise is upon you! Or otherwise they wouldnt feel the need to be here...and constantly "preaching" that "we just haven't seen the light!" or, "You can be "born again" if you are just willing!" It truly is that monumental a psychological that has been going on in humankind since...well the original blogs...cave paintings and ancient hieroglyphics! Fine, have your opinions...but dont panhandle door to door like annoying jehovah witness' or hare krishna' are that to this...

"So... Keith played a couple of songs & answered phones for donations. Not good enough, though, right?"

No it's not.
You want to ask another question...right?

"Let's see... Brad Paisley, Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill were on Andersoon Cooper tonight. But for PR reasons, right?"

Yes, they were.
And you'll still need another shot at my approval, right? Yes, I've figured that.

So in the continueing "E-o'-L-N-M's"

...Ha! Leave it to swifty to "out PR" the orb+deadweight...

Keith Urban donates to help victims

"Keith Urban and wife Nicole Kidman have made a donation to help victims of the Nashville floods which have killed at least 29 people in Tennessee."

...seems the cat got orb tongue on the FULL exploit of his and dead weight's amount of donation! Here is how its done...

Taylor Swift makes donation for Nashville flood

"Country music superstar Taylor Swift is reportedly making a $500,000 donation in support of those affected by the massive flood in Nashville."

..but then swifty is quite accustomed to knocking orb out of the spotlight! She constantly does it in cd sales...award wins...clearly in fanbase!
But this...

Keith Urban: I may have lost everything old news already! OH NO! I hope the damage to orb's recording equipment doesnt effect the "quality"...or the "commercial viability" of orb's next cd! I'm sure they'll be a song dedicated to the know something thoughtful and profound...perhaps..."An ode to my Soggy Guitar"...or something as unforgettable as this...

"Baby come here next to me, I'll show you how good it can be
I'll breathe each breath you breathe
I can, pour out everthing I am"

...I"ll breathe each breath you breathe? What does that even mean? Is it like, "I"ll chew each bite you chew? Actually the thought of it just made me nauseous...I just imagined kidman's breathe must reek of tobacco tar and the toxic vapor of collagen! Well, this rather rudimentary and vague song chosen by orb to cover is pretty indicative of the orb's rather banal and simplistic...and very juvenile jingles! Yikes, actually just listened to a few secs of orb's next single...orb is especially laying on that "warbling twang" a little thick! Typically trying to overcompensate for the lack of personality or character!

HA! HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD!...and bubble lipped, elastic faced prima donnas and slacked jawed jingle spewing fiddlers! May they fizzle out like the wicked witch in the Wizard of OZ...quote kidman.."Ohhh! You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness! Ohhh! Look out! Look out! I'm going! Ohhhh – Ohhhhhhhhhh!"

...Well! That's not a very nice thing to say about selena gomez!

May 5, 2010

Maclen, Jakra777, & Nomorefan:
We're Stupid Because We Want To Be

maclen: I still lean to the belief that her cameo involves some outrageous stunt involving prostetic fat suits or bald caps which would explain the time spent in Hawaii.

Cameo? It's not a cameo! More filming from yesterday, May 4.

Jakra777 (aka Oh " so" Leery):It seems he was saying on CNN that he was watching the water rise. Well the rains stopped on Mon. So unless NK let him borrow her rocket launcher broom I really dont know how he did that. Seems someone posted something that isnt true. (Wink)

Wink, we know you are lying through your teeth. We also know the readers of the Negative thread who don't post on it must be thinking what a load of shit. The end of rainfall isn't the end of floods. There's a little thing called the Cumberland River. It has to crest, and fall back so that the floodwaters can move out. Until that happens nothing can be done and all you can do is watch...whether you are in the area or on television/internet. The Cumberland didn't crest until Monday night, at 12 feet above flood stage.

In the end this is all the skeptics are really concerned about with Nashville

nomorefan: So if Mr. Nicole Kidman was in Nashville for two days on a Tuesday, with the three-day rule, does that mean he has to head back on a plane to Hawaii on a Wednesday? Or maybe he needed to be on a plane yesterday already because it takes 12 hours to fly over there - if it is a direct flight. Not sure what the contingencies are - does he have to see the white of his wife's skin by the 72nd hour or just some time within the third day?

They have no real friends, family, or contacts in the area, or a conscience.

May 4, 2010

The Details On Nicole Kidman
And Just Go With It

The facts have finally come in concerning Nicole Kidman's role in the Adam Sandler comedy Just Go With It. And as always the skeptics and haters were completely wrong. Here's the lowdown.

Nicole plays Dave Matthews' wife.

As per casting details found online her character's name is Rae Ann Devlin.

Nicole is Jennifer Aniston's old rival and they all meet up in Hawaii.

The part involves days of filming and not a one-off shoot like Heidi Montag's true cameo.

The part is not a super secret cameo as Inept Team Maclen predicted.

The part does not involve plastic surgery talk re Nicole's character as Inept Team Maclen predicted.

The part does not involve prosthetics of any sort and is not a Tom Cruise copycat cameo as Inept Team Maclen predicted.

The part does involves scenes with Jennifer Aniston and one with Dan Patrick as Adam Sandler revealed months before shooting.

Entertainment Tonight covered the shoot and interviewed the stars. We know E! Online skeptic nomorefan loves to misquote and misrepresent ET, so here is the VIDEO. The piece is as run last night on the show. It really is a fun set with even the stars' children having a good time. Here are a couple more pics of Nicole in Hawaii.

We'd like to close by addressing something very sickening. It was to be expected but still....the coverage of the Nashville floods by Urban Myths. They are presenting it as something Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are to blame for or can fix or don't care about. That is simply wrong. Is it jealousy, knowing that when an emergency like this hits the Urbans have people to take of things back home? Probably. By now Keith Urban was supposed to be in residence at Branson but instead he was nominated for EoTY and got a special acheivement award from the Academy of Country Music. Nicole is in Hawaii working, debunking another lie spread by the skeptics that her career is over.

The bottom line is that this is history repeating itself. When Keith entered rehab Nicole was criticized for leaving the house and actually doing things! E! Online skeptics admitted in posts that they wish they could blame Nicole Kidman for the ills of the world. The mental stability of these people is definitely in question. Especially when comments accompanied by pornographic images are allowed. Urban Myths you should be ashamed.

May 3, 2010

Urban Myths Stooges abc & maclen: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

maclen: Could it be that the creator of the fansie site is hinting at the demise of it in the near future? Could the apparent disillusionment of kidman's pathetic career also be part of a cause for the end of it? Only time will tell...and the way things seem to be falling for all things "kidman concerned"...I wouldnt be at all surpised if it did.


abc: I am not at all surprised that NKU is probably going to close down ... all they have been doing of late is re-arranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic


abc: ... before the closure of the public's access to the commentary, (which I think could even have been an instruction from her new management)


abc: I was watching for a while how the members were discussing Nicole's career choices of late with alarm and disappointment ... especially her choice of a film about deception (currently filming)


abc: after her saying that she will only now take on a project if she absolutely believes in it, meaning something very meaningful or special to drag her away from her family (a film about deception and even worse, making fun of it?).


abc: And which also has kept her away from her husband's concerts ... that being after she said on Oprah that if he is touring or playing concerts, she will not choose to do a film at the same time.


abc: Well, she just did and was in Hawaii while he was doing his gigs, including one of the biggest of his career! Again, saying one thing, but doing just the opposite ... she needn't wonder why the public finally has seen through her illusion ...

Nope. It's Kidman saying one thing and YOU changing it! It's fans with different tastes having a CONVERSATION! It's you abc and maclen, blatantly and with wild abandon twisting everything to fit your agenda. Everyone including the Urban Myths readers know it. Whether they want to acknowledge it is entirely another story!


May 2, 2010

We're Just That Confident!

Skewering The Skeptics believes it's time to take the next step. Previously if you'll recall we banned all comments from the skeptics and haters with a few exceptions. The last was nomorefan masquerading as Anonymous again with her "explanation" that negative Nicole Kidman / Keith Urban stories/sightings from Urban Myths readers were real but incapable of being found via the web because they were on "private" blogs. Private because of the meanie fans. And we say that's a crock because either they are making up stories to each other to make themselves feel better or they aren't letting the world know because the stories are completely fabricated and completely unbelievable.

Because the point of this blog is to showcase and debunk the fabricated and the unbelievable you'll find a new feature in the sidebar. Starting today links will be available for the skeptic and hater blogs, the current E! Online negative threads as well as a much needed archive, and the Just Jared website, in what we call The Skeptic Zone. TSZ accomplishes four goals. One, to provide easy search access for our regular readers. Two, create a catch up guide of sorts about what we are covering here for the casual visitor. Three, to show the haters and skeptics we have nothing to hide. It's total and complete transparency here. Nothing but the truth. And four, to fully and completely link their lies, half-truths, antics, and hate to this blog so that anyone and everyone who so chooses can see for themselves what they've been up to for 5 years.

Readers, you won't get this on any skeptic blog or board. You won't get links to any sites or comments telling the truth. Sites like Urban Myths don't mention this blog EVER and we know the reasons why.

Yes skeptics,

We're. Just. That. Confident.

P.S. Don't miss out on some laughs. Please check out the other new feature under Blogs of Note, entitled "Did You Hear What The Kidmans Did At Breakfast"!

April 25, 2010

Sorry E! Online Skeptics & Maclen,
Some Truth For Your Weekend

Let's get Inept Team Maclen: Party Of One out of the way. He's easily disposable!

maclen: I do seem to recall when the film was in postdevel last year...the film which had been dropped by fox searchlight for funding and distribution, got funded by a few no name agencies for the express purpose of getting the film placed on the "cannes marketplace" for possible distributors. But yes, as the fansies are no doubt hoping, perhaps it's got a chance with some other film festival! And with paltrow dumping of the Danish Girl, that film is so clearly dead.

Rabbit Hole was never dropped from Fox Searchlight. Rabbit Hole was never picked up by a few no name agencies. It's always been with Odd Lot Entertainment who successfully sold it at Cannes last year for international distribution to all foreign markets.

Story HERE

Evidently maclen with his nonsensical air quotes thinks the Cannes marketplace is somehow a joke. It's the biggest venue to sell your film and it's been around for decades.

No maclen we don't have to wager or surmise...we know you are lying about Danish Girl

maclen: There was of course, the just in the news Monte carlo, that seems to have gotten life again, because...kidman is NOT to star in it! And then there was a chance kidman would have a bit part in it... until Variety settled that she was in fact NOT to be in it at all.

Yes it is getting press but maclen you have no idea why. The real reason is because filming had already started in Hungary days ago and it's reported the production will move to Paris later on to shoot some scenes. Given the fact that Kidman is in Hawaii now filming another movie, and most likely has obligations for Danish Girl and possibly Rabbit Hole besides her personal and family obligations....scheduling conflicts are in fact the reason she's not doing the film.

maclen: So, kidmans "cameo" IS gonna be platered all over the nets...and so there goes any "surprise" factor...although if the only surprise is to be that kidman is doing a "comedic" role...that is hardly a "career saving" role. She will of course... fail.

Once again maclen nothing but lies. You are the one that labeled the part as a super secret cameo. That was never going to happen as we now know because Kidman's part included outdoor scenes on location. And that location has been photographed for days before Kidman got there and photos released to the public. Take a look....

Just Go With It Set Photos

There's 4 pages worth of photos from the set starting when Aniston and Sandler got to Hawaii. Case in point, from 04/14/10. Kidman wasn't on location until the 22nd!

maclen, you've been skewered!


Stagecoach 2010: Keith Urban handily conquers the Empire Polo Field, Sugarland delights too


What Stagecoach, this weekend’s ongoing orgy of country music, BBQ and beer in Indio, is still learning from its cooler older cousin Coachella is that performances out here on the verdant but dusty Empire Polo Field ought to be momentous. That’s what makes a festival memorable: singular sensations. But in all honesty, though Stagecoach has never failed to be a good time, even for a non-NASCAR watcher like myself, it hasn’t exactly produced a great many one-of-a-kind performances.

Most of the ones that stand out most still seem like little more than events: the Judds reunion plus the pairing of the Eagles with John Fogerty in ’08, for instance, or the gutsy, genre-busting appearance from Kid Rock last year, enhanced by a red-hot Miranda Lambert just before it. A great many of the Big Guns — George Strait, Kenny Chesney (twice in three years), Brad Paisley, Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood, Alan Jackson, Reba McEntire — have all given perfectly enjoyable yet completely by-the-numbers performances.

Any country star worth his/her weight in platinum is capable of delivering a well-rehearsed production to an immense amount of people; that sort of thing happens all year long at stadium rodeos and state fairs from here to Tallahassee. No, I’m talking about seizing the moment on such a grand scale and achieving something significant with it.

Just as there’s a difference between, say, seeing Paul McCartney eulogize John, George and Linda at midnight under the desert stars at Coachella ’09 and taking in just another arena show from him somewhere along the way, so should there be (we hope) something noticeably unique about the performances from mega-popular acts like Keith Urban, Sugarland, Brooks & Dunn and Toby Keith, this fourth Stagecoach’s primary attractions.

So kudos to Urban and Sugarland — Saturday night’s stars — for rising to the occasion.

Straying from routine, even in the littlest ways, helped lift what were already knockout performances to the level of local legend. Keith Urban fans for sure will be talking about the night he flat-out owned a crowd of roughly 60,000 tired but plenty rowdy people — it’s by far the Australian star’s largest performance in Southern California ever, more or less equaling the last several arena sell-outs he’s raked in combined.

Indeed, though I freely admit that at 3:30 a.m. I could be making MUCH to big a deal out of this, I don’t know that Urban has had a moment quite so huge in America since he finally started taking it by storm in the middle of the past decade. Well, surely his Live Earth duet three years ago with Alicia Keys on “Gimme Shelter” has more national stature, but the West Coast has never seen him reign over so many fans all at once. I gather he’s played to as many people at forebear festivals in Texas or somewhere in the South. But this felt like the Keith Urban Show from the get-go, with a first-rate Sugarland (at the start of its own country-crossing tour) opening.

It was such a ginormous experience, seemingly predicated on one or two major performers — and it was presented as such a sprawling unifying event — that it now has much of our crew buzzing about how Goldenvoice could conceivably stage fantastic headliner-plus-three bills out here in much the same manner. You could easily see Dave Matthews Band doing it, for instance, or Jimmy Buffett. But the list of possibilities runs deep into stadium-fillers fast: U2, Madonna, the Stones, Springsteen (say, with Tom Petty), Bon Jovi (how about with John Mellencamp and Counting Crows?), or maybe two sets from Pearl Jam, definitely Radiohead, maybe Coldplay with three British mainstays, or a Foo Fighters/Green Day pairing? Heck, keep it in country: Garth Brooks in his full Garth glory, were he ever willing, would draw huge simply on his own. (And how about having him do albums in their entirety?)

What set Urban’s performance apart for me, though, were its hints of spontaneity (not all of his between-song asides felt like rehearsed patter) and, as with much of Sugarland’s set, the near-obliteration of any notion of country music in his tunes.

Merle Haggard and Ray Price — that’s country music. Nettles definitely boldly belts on the mic, and she gets plenty of showcases: “Settlin’,” “Baby Girl,” “Already Gone,” “All I Want to Do.” But Sugarland is still spit-polished poptopia with twang, littered with party-starting covers (even Blondie’s “Heart of Glass”) that help blur the lines between Nashville and NYC.

Likewise, Urban is purely big boom rock with shredding solos — more Journey with Neal Schon attempting his best Clapton in the thick of “Open Arms” than anything you’ll get out of McGraw or Paisley at any show. Every song Urban serves up that isn’t a chipper romantic ditty (like “Days Go By” or “Sweet Thing”) almost inevitably starts dramatically and builds to a fret-wailing finish. (Think “Stupid Boy.” But then again, don’t think that the chipper romantic ditties don’t also have wicked awesome solos strewn throughout them.)

Urban is only branded country because KLOS doesn’t play him. Yet though he’s not without his formulaic shtick (he asked the crowd a few too many times if they felt like singing along), he also comes from that same go-with-it looseness that informed Kid Rock’s ridiculously fun performance last year. Urban’s a nice guy — his idea of breaking away from the script is to get the sign-language lady to translate “elephant in a tutu.” But the mere fact that he broke through the barrier and tried to reach the audience personally — indeed, he’s just about the only Stagecoach performer of his magnitude that I’ve seen enter the crowd and play a few from a different vantage point — well, that spoke volumes about the difference between Urban and everyone else emanating from Nashville.

He’s a modest original for the genre, but an original all the same — and he’s set the bar very high for Sunday’s main fare: whatever Toby Keith has cooked up and what could possibly be Brooks & Dunn’s last performance in California for many, many years.



Readers, enjoy your weekend!